Make Up Policy
Key Biscayne Studio
If you know your child will be absent, you must notify us to be eligible for a make-up.
If a child does not show up to their scheduled class, and we don't receive a formal notification via email, text or call at least 1 hour before class start time, they will be marked as no-show, and will not be eligible for a make up.
Monthly tuition is based on an average of 4 weekly classes per month. Even though, some months may have certain days where there are actually 5 lessons per month, we do not charge extra to accommodate for months that only have 3 classes/lessons per month due to a holiday or holiday weekend. Hence, over time, classes average 4 per month. ​
Class make ups are not guaranteed and it is the parents responsibility to make sure their child is attending to their regularly scheduled classes every month/billing period. That being said, we may grant make ups for sickness/injury -- with a doctor's note --, and for emergencies. If you plan to be absent for 2 or more consecutive classes, please email us to pause your membership.
If a child does not attend a scheduled make-up class they are not able to schedule another make-up class for the same absence.
Makeup classes must be taken before the end of the child’s enrollment. We cannot extend their enrollment for a makeup.
Makeup slots are first come, first served. Please do not wait until the last days before a make-up session to schedule your child. We have limited spots available, and if they are already full we cannot add more spots and they'll have to wait until the next session.
Missed Classes due to injury/sickness: If there is class missed due to an injury or severe sickness, extra makeups may be issued ONLY when a doctor’s note is received. Please do not bring your child to class sick! This is at the discretion of the Director.
If classes are cancelled due to weather or unforeseen circumstances, an additional make-up day will be appointed.
​Any abuse of policy may result in loss of privileges in scheduling make-ups, or even enrolling in future class sessions.
All memberships will be automatically paused during Winter Break ( December 20th to January 3rd), Spring Break (March 24th to March 28th) and Summer Break ( June 5th to August 15th), allowing members to take time off without affecting their subscription.
During these periods, we also offer a private schedule for those interested in continuing their training.
All memberships will be paused during these dates, and reactivated when classes resume. No make ups will be issued for these dates.​
Due to our limited availability, make-ups must be redeemed within the following days and times:
2025-26 Make-Up Options:​
January 25th
February 22nd
March 29th
April 26th
May 31st
June 7th
August 30th
September 27th
October 25th
November 29th
December 20th
Make-Up Times:
Parent & Tot - 9.30 am
Beginner - 10.30 am
Rookie - 11.30 am
Interm/Advanced - 12.30 pm
Please note that our studios will be closed on all U.S. Federal Holidays, and no make-up sessions will be issued for these closures, as they are not considered missed classes. In some cases, we may offer make-up classes on these holidays, but not specifically as replacements for them. Make-up sessions may be available if a student misses a scheduled session due to sickness/injury or an emergency, or if a class is cancelled due to a studio conflict. We encourage you to enjoy these holidays with your family!​
Please click here to see a list of Federal Holidays for this year.
Please note Halloween on October 31st is not a Federal Holiday, but we understand the Village of Key Biscayne holds certain traditions on this date, so our studio will be closed. If your registered class falls on October 31st, you can opt for one of the above make-up dates.
Pausing Your Account:
Outside of these breaks, members may request a pause only for extended travel or long-term injury, ensuring flexibility for individual needs while maintaining program consistency.